About Us
Rainbow Community House is a not-for-profit organisation providing counselling and social work support to LGBTQIA+ young people between 12 - 25 years old.
Founded in 2019, our goal is to support the emotional, mental and relational wellbeing of queer youth through the provision of specialised and tailored individual, family and group counselling/therapy services.
To dramatically improve the emotional, mental and relational wellbeing of gender and sexually diverse youth as a means of preventing suicide and serious mental illness in the LGBTIQA+ community
Our Vision
Our Principles
Standing Together
Stand together against the practises of discrimination
Reaching Potential
Feel empowered to pursue rich full lives without fear that their gender and/or sexuality will hinder their ability to reach their potential
Supporting & Building Connections
Providing social and cultural support for youth within existing families or family of choice